Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Once Upon a Time In Chicago

the IIeP student went to Chicago yesterday. we took 4 hours on the bus, but it was worth, we saw the buildings that more than 10 floors, i never saw one in Iowa. there were a lot of awesome stuff in Chicago, but i am telling a thing that scared me.when we on the bus back wo Chicago, one of my friend said there was a tornado in Iowa, i thought it just a tornado, i don't give a shit, then he said it was in the northwest, it scared the shit out of me, because i live in northwest, but i could do nothing at that time, just sat. it was rainning and blowing last night. so i looked out of the bus, the black cloud was close, and the bus was shaking sometimes. i even thought what would i do if the tornado obliterate everything, especially my underware, that's extremly bad!


kelly said...

Hi~ Chaz~!

The sky helped you to wear your nice clothes. ^^*

When I was a elementary school student I could not get back my home from school due to thunderstorm. I was really scared. ^^*

eunyoung's blog said...

When we were in Chicago, people in Iowa would be scared. I saw the broken branches in front of my house. anyway, this trip was fun^^

Maitha said...

Well , it was a hard time when the tornado came to Iowa city .

But I guess you had a nice trip in Chicago!!!!

Yun said...

Ni shi chi fa!!!! hahaha

You did your trip really goooood?
If you agree, give me some icecream!!!!!hahahahaha

Rebecca K said...

I am glad you had a good trip to Chicago! It is unusual to have tornados in October--but thankfully, we didn't actually have one in Iowa City!

Yun said...

nice Chicago!
Why didn't u buy anything????